The 32nd week: It’s autumn now


I started using IELTS premium this week.


This week I found out that react-babylon.js doesn’t support tree shaking, moreover, babylon.js is almost 4MB(1MB gzipped), it’s almost 4 times bigger than three.js. Well, as a visual engine, size is not a big issue. But I started to check some R3F examples now.

I tried Babylon.js’ node editor. This is a toon shader inspired by this article.

Render a HTML to Canvas, it’s better to have a height map. Can use applyDisplacementMap.


TikTok has an App EffectHome(橡塑 in China). Snap AR got a lot interesting filters.

ARkit supports hand gesture already. This is Dilmer’s tutorial about hand tracking using AR Foundation. This is a beginner tutorial about AR Foundation.


This is a video using both spline and three.js to create a website.

Triplex is an editor for three.js. Kind like babylon inspector.

Stable Diffusion

Fantasia 3D and Dream Fusion are tools to build 3D assets.

Dream shaper is to build special QR Code.


现代 CSS 你知道多少


React Graph Library uses react and D3 to draw graphs.

shadcn is a UI library based on Radix.


A blog about how to add favicon to a website in 2023.


I can’t call vscode from WSL. Because I configured systemd. This issue has the solution.


Happen to know HuggingFace’s new ML framework candle

Google brings visual block and media pipe as tools for tensorflow.